The Government has been viewing with concern the water scarcity situation in the country, particularly in light of the recent spell of drought. With increasing population and sedimentation of reservoirs, Pakistan is fast heading towards a situation of water scarcity and it is estimated that 2010 could be the first water deficient year for Pakistan.
In order to effectively use water to meet the future demands for food and fibre, there is dire need to evolve strategies for the conservation, management and development of our water resources. Recognizing the need to address issues in the water sector, and in order to develop consensus on the water strategy, the Speaker of the National Assembly constituted the Parliamentary Committee on Water Resources (PCWR) on October 10, 2003.
Since its inception, the Committee held extensive deliberations with Federal Ministries and Departments for understanding the country's Water Strategy. Provinces were visited twice to seek Provincial Governments position on water strategy as well as to have interaction with elected/ non-elected politicians, stakeholders including farmers, NGOs, technocrats and columnists, etc. Several project sites were visited including a day long aerial view of projects in NWFP. The recommendations contained in this report have been developed as an outcome of the proceedings and deliberations, followed by meetings amongst the members of PCWR.
The Parliamentary Committee on Water Resources takes great pleasure in presenting its Interim Report. It is hoped that the implementation of our recommendations will not only unleash powerful forces of positive growth in Pakistan economy but will also weld the unity of our Federation with even stronger bonds.
Senator Nisar A. Memon
Senator Ms. Anisa Zeb Tahirkheli Member |
Senator Mir M. Naseer Mengal Member |
Senator Syed Dilawar Abbas Member |
Al Syed Abdul Qadir Jamaluddin Al-Gillani Member |
Haji Muhammad Ali Malkani, MNA Member |
Jehangir Khan Tareen, MNA Member |
Sher Akbar Khan, MNA Member |