Foundation’s Brief History
It is a private citizen’s effort for socio economic contribution in Pakistan in various fields, especially in education. Aamnat Foundation was registered in 2006 under Companies Act and has NTN 3282691-5 with its head office at Karachi. In 2006, a deserving person was sent to perform Hajj, thereafter the Foundation did not undertake any programs up to 2008. In March 2009 it launched its 1st Pakistan Literacy Project (PLP) in Malir/Landhi, Karachi, 2nd launch of PLP was in Ibrahim Haidri, Karachi. In 2010, its first District Field Office was set up in Gharo, Thatta with senior educationist as District Manager on its staff and launched the 3rd PLP Centers in Thatta district.
Pakistan Literacy Project (PLP) Mission: March towards making Pakistan a literate country, by giving all Pakistanis a chance to become literate. Target: Contribute to achieving maximum Literacy in Pakistan, with focus on female education. The objective will be to achieve almost 100% literacy in community selected for establishing Centers under PLP to help achieve Literacy Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Concept: PLP a private sector effort supplements other such efforts to help achieve needed literacy with maximum Pakistanis able to read, write and do basic arithmetic and become well-informed and empowered citizens. PLP relies on carefully designed curriculum as well as devoted community volunteers, for fast spread of literacy in Pakistan. Based on surveys, communities are selected to establish Centers at either Teachers’ homes or Community Centers, to keep it low cost program for greater productivity.
Volunteerism and Philanthropy are two important pillars of this program.
Costs: 1.Teach the Teachers Programs; 2.Teachers Salary; 3.Books, Stationary and Supplies; 4.Supervisors & 5. Administration
PLP Center Locations:
PLP Program Continues:
In order to achieve target of near 100% literacy in Pakistan, we plan to consolidate Thatta literacy with launch of next batch of Centers as well as set up PLP Centers in various districts of all provinces and Gligit Baltistan & AJK.
We also plan to launch Post literacy Phase, where ever literacy has been imparted, to meet their specific education needs as well as skill development and health program needs.
After completion of each literacy phase, the literates will be awarded free membership of PLP Club, which entitles them:
Pakistan Literacy Project (PLP) Summary
PLP offers a four month course with minimum of two hour teaching daily after which student aged 10 to 45 can learn to read, write and do basic arithmetic. Teachers from the community are trained and impart the literacy to group of 20-30 learners at PLP Centers. At the end of the course, Certificates of Completion are awarded to successful learners. Syllabus adopted from National Commission for Human Development was used to begin with and now the Foundation’s own developed books are used starting from Thatta Centers. About 1,000 citizens have been made literate through its 45 Literacy Centers, all free.
More details are available on our web site: and in our first Newsletter.
Funding Aamnat Foundation has borne the expenses for its Hajj program and PLP Pilots so far through the contributions by its Directors. Funds are planned to be raised for all other phases from Friends, Corporate Sector, Pakistanis Home and Abroad, Pakistan and Regional Philanthropists, Public Sector organizations and International Institutions.
Request After the successful completion of pilot projects, we plan to expand our program fast by raising funds as such have applied to government for Tax Exemption Certificate. October, 2010 Board of Directors: