A call for UN Convention for River Deltas
Monday March 20th, 2023 While UN conventions for climate change, desertification, wetlands and oceans are operational, a new UN convention on ocean facing river deltas is a concrete policy action outcome of this collaborative effort. The experts and panel discussants include stakeholders from the Nigerian Niger Delta, Indus, Mekong River, Colorado, Nile and St. Lawrence…
2nd Regional Upper Indus Basin Network (UIB-N) Workshop
Glaciers in the upper reaches of the Indus River basin are an important source of freshwater. However, as climate change in the region affects water flows, sectoral development will also be influenced. For example, downstream water availability will influence Pakistan’s wheat production. Efforts such as the Upper Indus Basin Network (UIBN) serve as a platform…
WEF Brief Paper August 2017 issued
Chairman Water Environment Forum visits OICCI
Chairman Water Environment Forum Nisar A. Memon visited the OICCI to give a talk on the climate change challenges. He was welcomed by President OICCI Atif Bajwa, Vice President Shahab Rizvi and Secretary General M Abdul Aleem. Memon highlighted that climate change is already happening in the form of rising temperatures, atmospheric carbon dioxide level,…