Nisar A. Memon
02-March- 2020 – Pakistan Observer
Undoubtedly, the Federal Climate Change and Foreign Ministries have made a visible impact internationally to keep Pakistan flag flying high. The challenges in both foreign affairs and climate change are enormous and the leadership of these ministries so far addressed them commendably by conceiving, launching and implementing policies and programs to bring desired results.The program of the UN Secretary General António Guterres in Pakistan last month and his statements have put a seal of global approval on Pakistan’s policy of peace in the region and our response to climate change brought about by the developed economies in increasing temperature causing disasters like: melting of glaciers, floods, droughts, rising sea levels.
UN Secretary General said, “like other developing countries, Pakistan has contributed little to the problem yet faces disproportionate vulnerability because of it.” Noting Pakistan’s climate-focused initiatives like the ‘10 Billion Tree Tsunami’ campaign and the Clean and Green Pakistan Movement, he expressed his admiration for the decision to abolish plastic bags in Islamabad and elsewhere in the country.
His visit to Foreign office with planting tree to discussing the world hotspot – the occupied Jammu and Kashmir where India is in grave violation of human rights defying all civilized norms of behavior and international obligations resulted in endorsement of Pakistan policies. The UN Secretary General maintained the UN position that the relevant resolutions of the Security Council on the issue should be implemented and for effective deescalation, dialogue, and another very important condition: full respect for human rights and [fundamental] freedoms of those in Jammu and Kashmir.
UN Secretary General Guterres recognized Pakistan’s decades of “outstanding generosity and solidarity” as one of the world’s largest hosts of refugees, and highlighted its commitment to climate action. He said it Was time for the world to take step back and look at Pakistan through a wider frame. Our policy of opening up the Kartarpur corridor to facilitate Sikh pilgrims to visit Gurdwara durbar sahib and easing the tension on border towards increasing the interfaith harmony is appreciated by all including the Indian government and opposition politicians, the Indian diaspora in western world and the citizen of India. The Sikhs in Delhi expressed their sympathies by hosting the Indian Muslims who suffered last week at the hands of BJP goons, Hindutva zealots and extremist agents killing 30 Indian on the issue of controversial new citizenship law. The inhuman and unacceptable policies of Indian government on the basis of religion are rejected even by the other Hindu cast and such solidarity by Sikhs with Indian Muslims is an open proof of Hindutva rejection in India . The efforts and successes of foreign office are remarkably backed up by our defence force working with Blue Helmet under UN flag, in the conflict areas of the world at cost of their lives, contributing to global peace Pakistan is the 6th country in UN list with its 5,093 personnel currently working in peacekeeping.
Quaid-e-Azam on 15 August 1947, outlining the foreign policy of Pakistan said, Our objective should be peace within and peace without. We want to live peacefully and maintain cordial and friendly relations with out immediate neighbours and with world at large, We have no aggressive designs against any one.We stand by the United Nations Charter and will gladly make our contribution to the peace and prosperity of the world, This was, is and should be guideline for our foreign policy . Afghan dispute nearing resolution after prolonged dialogue between Taliban leadership and US administration and reveal in Delhi of president Trump’s offer for mediation on Kashmir are two significant achievements for which foreign office team led by federal foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmoud Qureshi stands out amongst his colleagues. His maturity in statements and not getting embroiled in matters of other ministries or in his own province Punjab are specially noteworthy.
The number of productive foreign visits and representation of both the foreign minister and minister/advisor on climate change on the international bodies speak for itself the personal recognition of our representatives and the country. Malik Amin Aslam, federal minister/advisor is elected Global Vice President of IUCN and recently been chosen to server on high level “International Advisory Council” for the Eco-forum Global – the leading environmental think-thank advising the Government of China, is and honor to Pakistan.The Climate Change Minister has the challenge of continuing the high performance and closely coordinating with the provinces, in addition to KP and the capital, since the sum total of all regions under Pakistan administration is fundamental to meeting the climate change challenges as a whole.The foreign Ministry should continue to be mindful of sustaining the initiatives by standing up to preserve protect and grow our relations with the iron brother – China, and stand steadfast on Jammu and Kashmir until their rights under UN resolutions are acquired.
The performance of the two ministries is appreciated but for the country to meet its burgeoning challenges, the entire team must com up to mark since only two can not carry the rest in protecting the sovereignty of Pakistan.
– Nisar A Memon; former: federal minister and senator