Author: Faraz Anwer

Thursday / Feb 04, 2016 /
Aamnat Foundation Gharo Office Inauguration May 2010
Faraz Anwer /
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Thursday / Feb 04, 2016 /
SenatorⓇ Nisar A Memon meets Prof Jeffery Sachs and Chancellor & Vice Chancellor TERI University
Faraz Anwer /
Nisar /
SenatorⓇ Nisar A Memon visited Delhi from 5-7 July, 2014 on the invitation of Vice Chancellor TERI University Dr. Leena Srivastava , to join the launch of Sustainable Development Solution Network. – South Asia. At the launch, he met Prof. Jeffery Sachs, Advisor to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Chancellor TERI University Dr. Pachauri…
Thursday / Feb 04, 2016 /
Chairman Water Environment Forum visits OICCI
Faraz Anwer /
Chairman Water Environment Forum Nisar A. Memon visited the OICCI to give a talk on the climate change challenges. He was welcomed by President OICCI Atif Bajwa, Vice President Shahab Rizvi and Secretary General M Abdul Aleem. Memon highlighted that climate change is already happening in the form of rising temperatures, atmospheric carbon dioxide level,…

Friday / Jan 15, 2016 /
Memon Goth – Karachi Certificate Distribution Ceremony
Faraz Anwer /
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