For latest postings follow Nisar A. Memon on twitter: @Nisaramemon1
Save motherland from the existential threats
Time is running out and the people of Pakistan, custodians of the great Indus civilization, must be saved from sinking into an abyss of delusion and despair about the present and future.
We must ensure the fundamental human rights of education, clean drinking water, healthcare, safety, and freedom of expression in an environment allowing them to thrive, not only survive.
This can only be achieved with unity amongst the young and old, rural and urban, privileged and marginalized, rich and poor, civilian and military on all critical socio-economic fronts and with the eradication of discrimination based on gender, religion, sect, class, caste and geographic areas to address global, regional and national challenges.
This can be done when people come together through a bottom-up approach to develop plans and programs for implementation in deliberative democratic processes.
This will result in: a knowledge based society; a safe, inclusive and flourishing environment absent of the factors pushing people to risk their lives to migrate to better shores; and institutions that support strong local governance, provincial self-sufficiency, and effective federal coordination ensuring the national harmony of all state institutions.
Let’s start actions today.
Story released by following news agencies: APP, SABAH, INP & DNA. Published by: Regional Times, Islamabad Post, The AZB, Jeevey Pakistan, Urdu Point, The National Courier, The News Lark, Financial Times and Daily Ausaf.
Dec-26-2024; Nisar A. Memon’ urges nation to address root causes of Pakistan’ problems – publishing in Daily times and Urdu Point.
Former Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Senator Nisar A Memon on Wednesday said on Quaid’s birthday – 25th Dec – the nation must identify the root cause of the myriad problems faced by Quaid’s country and put in place the necessary action programs to protect Pakistan and its people. In his statement here on Quaid’s 148th birthday, the Senator quotes Mr. Jinnah saying, “We are starting in days where there is no discrimination,no distinction between one community & another, no discrimination between one caste or creed & another. We are starting with this fundamental principle that we are all citizens & equal citizens of one state.”
Sept-08-2024; Nisar A. Memon’ urges National Commitment to Literacy on ‘International Literacy Day’ read full article in English (APP) here and in Urdu (Sabah News) here. Watch featured clipping on PTV World here.
April-10-2024; Nisar A. Memon message for Eid-al-Fitar regarding ‘National Unity and Action’ published in several newspapers i.e. Financial Times, Balochistan Times, Regional Times and Metro Morning.
Jan-10-2024; ‘Nisar A. Memon presented a detailed briefing on new convention of Delta Unite (The convention on conservation of Deltas) in a Senate Committee Meeting (reading in last 3 paras of attached image).
Nov-24-2023; ‘Nisar A. Memon condemns Israeli atrocities during visit to Palestinian embassy’ – coverage in Regional Times.
Aug-13-2023; Nisar A. Memon’s tweet regarding caretaker PM Senator Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar.
July-25-2023; Nisar A. Memon talks about ‘Water Security: an existential challenge’ at FASS’s 3rd workshop in collaboration with FES_Pak.
July-15-2023; Nisar A. Memon’s keynote speech at launching event of PAK Climate RCN at NUST.
May-11-2023; Nisar A. Memon’s interview for Roze TV’s program Halqa e Ahbab with host Ayesha Masood.
Watch: https://youtu.be/mu55IbqAp6E ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
May-09-2023; Nisar A. Memon’s interview for Islamabad Time with host Mudassar Hussain regarding Climate Change and Indus Delta.
Part 01: https://youtu.be/jBKJEpSDifg
Part 02: https://youtu.be/AcV7EkgwfAc
Part 03: https://youtu.be/XT2SL6xXYSc
March 23, 2023; Nisar A. Memon speaks at UN Event, virtually, on Indus Delta. – Watch full presentation video by clicking here.
March 23, 2023; WEForum Chairman, Nisar A. Memon speaking as an expert panelist at UN water conference.
Pakistani senator @Nisaramemon1 emphasized on the need of convention for delta so that transboundary water issues can be tackled.#UNWaterConference2023 @ACCARD20 pic.twitter.com/EGbdQD8JZu
— TWIN Secretariat (@TWINSecretariat) March 23, 2023
Click here to read the press release about the first major UN Water Conference in almost 50 years. “We don’t need fireworks to celebrate the future, we need water.” – A call for UN Convention for River Deltas.
Feb-13-2023; Nisar A. Memon invited by TechGIS Pvt. Limited as a Chief Guest along with Ambassador Shahid Kamal as Guest of Honour at their Annual Dinner and award of merit certificates on successful completion of their first ever Cadastral Mapping Project in Pakistan. Through this project TechGIS digitized the complete State Land record in Eight Divisions of the country which shall help the government towards correct and visionary planning of this rich resource.
Jan-25-2023; Nisar A. Memon addressing a training workshop organized by DW Akademie and Radio News Network on ‘Climate Changes & Threats to Indus Delta’ in Islamabad. Click here to read.
Jan-03-2023; Nisar A. Memon delivers a lecture at Sindh Madressatul Islam University, Karachi. Click here to read more.
Oct-16-2021; An inspiring video by ‘Agency21’ in account of World Environment Day 2021.
Sept-22-2021; Nisar A. Memon – Remarks at S. M. Hali’s book (Hundred Years of the Communist Party of China) launch event in Islamabad. Watch PTV World Video Coverage.
Sept-20-2021; Nisar A. Memon wrote a foreword for the book titled “Hundred Years of the Communist Party of China” authored by S. M. Hali.
Sept-08-2021; Nisar A. Memon welcomed and chaired a session in a webinar on ‘Sea level rise and coastal climate risks in Pakistan’ co-hosted by the Water Environment Forum (WEForum), Pakistan Meteorological Department and the UK Met Office, in partnership with the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD).
August-26-2021; Nisar A. Memon attended an international webinar hosted by Institute of Peace and Contemporary Affairs (IPCA) on ‘United States Global Response to COVID-19: Uncertainties, Planning, Impact, Role of Vaccines & Recovery’ as a Chief Guest…Click here to read full coverage.
July-01-2021; Click Here to watch Nisar A. Memon’s inaugural talk in an awareness webinar series on ‘Plastic Pollution Free Pakistan’ hosted by College of Earth & Environmental Sciences – University of Punjab.
April-20-2021; Watch glimpse of WEForum Chairman Nisar A. Memon visiting FM Power 99 Islamabad.
WE Call 2 Coastal Climate Action 2021
January-30-2021; a virtual meeting hosted on 29th-Feb was attended by Chief Secretary Sindh, DG ICIMOD, Country Representative IUCN, DG WWF-Pakistan, Sindh Coastal and Climate Secretary, FPCCI President representative and Chairman Water Environment Forum Pakistan were amongst the several speakers. …Click Here to read full coverage published in Pakistan Observer.
Coastal Climate Action 2021
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on January 29, 2021 … Click Here to read full article.
Webinar organized by Pak-China Center for Friendship and Cooperation, Islamabad
August-20-2020; Nisar A. Memon addressed the participants as a Chief Guest in a webinar on “The success of Chinese policy against extremism in Xinjiang” Click here to read.
Population Management – need of the hour
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 11-July-2020…. Click Here to read full article.
Where do we stand on Sustainable Development
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 06-July-2020…. Click Here to read full article.
How the legacy Lives
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 29-June-2020…. Click Here to read full article.
Strengthen Institutions
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 22-June-2020…. Click Here to read full article.
Institutions must protect themselves to fight disasters like COVID-19, locust swarms, food security, upcoming dengue spread, and any possible adventure on our frontiers and on line of control.
Click here to read other Nisar A. Memon related news postings.
Sovereign Pakistan’s Budget
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 15-June-2020…. Click Here to read full article.
Innovate for a Sustainable Ocean
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 08-June-2020…. Click Here to read full article.
Environment Day 2020
Nisar A. Memon statement published in various papers on 05-June-2020…. Click Here to read full statement.
Eid with a Difference
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 25-May-2020…. Click Here to read full article.
Our solutions are in nature
Nisar A. Memon statement published in Pakistan Observer on 23-May-2020…. Click Here to read full statement.
Back to The Root
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 18-May-2020…. Click Here to read full article.
All On One Page
Distances Yet Cooperation
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 04-May-2020…. Click Here to read full article.
Covid-19 Vaccine Arrives
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 27-April-2020…. Click Here to read full article.
Mother Earth Calling
Nisar A. Memon statement published in Pakistan Observer on 23-April-2020…. Click Here to read full statement.
ancient wisdom
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 20-April-2020…. Click Here to read full article.
Pakistan moving forward with unity
Nisar A. Memon statement published in Pakistan Observer on 16-April-2020…. Click Here to read full statement.
Reboot Minds for Sovereignty
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 13-April-2020…. Click Here to read full article.
Self Sufficiency – Path to Sovereignty
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 06-April-2020…. Click Here to read full article.
Public Health – A Social Good
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 30-March-2020…. Click Here to read full article.
Kabul River for Peace and Development
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 23-March-2020…. Click Here to read full article.
COVID-19, Opportunity to Unite
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 19-March-2020…. Click Here to read full article.
Non-Conventional Security – Who Drives It?
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 09-March-2020…. Click Here to read full article.
Pakistan needs more achievements
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 02-March-2020…. Click Here to read full article.
Do we have governance?
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 24-February-2020…. Click Here to read full article.
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 17-February-2020…. Click Here to read full article.
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 10-February-2020…. Click Here to read full article.
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 03-February-2020…. Click Here to read full article.
Click here to download the Policy Brief
‘Shared Prosperity of People of Kabul River Basin’ – We owe it to our people in both countries to work together for a shared vision for prosperity that promotes interdependence to deliver the benefit sharing, with people centric approach…. A Policy Brief by LEAD, authored by Nisar A. Memon
Sovereign Economy
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 27-January-2020…. Click Here to read full article.
Karachi-The Place It is
Education Sovereignty
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 14-January-2020…. Click Here to read full article.
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 06-January-2020…. Click Here to read full article.
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 30-December-2019…. Click Here to read full article.
Standing up for Justice
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 23-December-2019…. Click Here to read full article.
Nisar A. Memon Joins Seminar on ‘Water Conservation Methods’ at PIDE
Seminar on ‘Water Conservation Methods’ at PIDE Chairman WEForum Nisar A. Memon links water conservation to security, sovereignty of Pakistan.
Nisar A. Memon Received Certificate of Appreciation from the World Bank Group for his Contribution to a WB Group report ‘Enabling The Business of Agriculture 2019’.
Watch Full Presentation (3rd Young Researchers National Conference on Water & Environment) of Senator Memon at USPCAS-W MUET by Clicking the Link Below.
August-25-26-2019; Chairman WEForum, Senator Nisar A. Memon Chaired Upper Indus Basin Network (UIBN) Meeting at ICIMOD.
August-23-24-2019; Nisar A Memon attended 4th Indus Basin Knowledge Forum held at ICIMOD Kathmandu in partnership with IWMI and IIASA.
Nisar A. Memon article published in The News International on 17-August-2019…..Read Full
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 05-August-2019…..Read Full
Karachi 11-July-2019; Nisar A. Memon talk on ‘Does Karachi Belong to Anyone?’ an Event Hosted by Society for Global Moderation at CMC. –Dawn News…Read More.
Hyderabad 4-July-2019; Nisar A. Memon to attend the session at the US-Pakistan Centre for Advanced Studies in Water (USPCAS-W) Mehran University of Engineering and Technology (MUET) Jamshoro titled “Water Trends, Challenges and Sustainable Strategy for its Security” on 5th July 2019. – UrduPoint ….Read More.
Nisar A. Memon Article published in The News International on 03-July-2019 …….. Read under Publications/Nisar
01-July-2019 Faisalabad: Nisar A. Memon Speaking to City 41 News about Food & Water Challenges in an Event held at University of Agriculture Faisalabad. Click on link below to watch.
01-July-2019 Faisalabad: Nisar A. Memon Joins Consultative Session on Food Trends, Challenges and Sustainable Strategies under the Changing Climate at University of Agriculture Faisalabad……Read related news under News/Nisar.
Water for peace and development
Nisar A. Memon article published in The News International on 17-June-2019 …… Read full article under Publications/Nisar
Nisar A Memon writes on Water Politics in SOUTHASIA monthly magazine of June 2019…….. Read full under Publications/Nisar
Islamabad; 5th June, 2019
“Air Pollution is a serious threat globally as well as in Pakistan causing deaths, health hazards and economic burden,” said Nisar A. Memon, chairman Water Environment Forum, Pakistan on the occasion of World Environment Day observed on 5th June each year globally, for over 40 years.
Former senator Memon said, “this year’s theme is ‘Air Pollution’ which is caused by industries in the form of release of poisonous untreated gases, agriculture with burning of crop residual and releasing harmful particulate matter (PM) a finely divided solid and liquid particles of organic or inorganic nature that remain suspended in the atmosphere causing respiratory disorders, transportation with emission of diesel gases and households using wood and animal dung in the absence of clean natural gas”
He emphasized that, “It is a challenge to our political leadership to address: estimated 135,000 deaths per year attributed to ambient air pollution – the leading cause of sickness and deaths in Pakistan, smog a public health emergency mostly in Punjab specially Lahore, and $50 billion estimated economic burden of air pollution.”
Mr. Memon cautioned the government and parliament and said, “the citizens will be scrutinizing the upcoming budget to see how the planners address the scourge of air pollution, and ensure adherence to the Constitution of Pakistan which assures them in articles 9 and 14 the right to clean environment as fundamental human right. The parliament which represents the people will also be held accountable for any omission in this regards.” He said, “like in the past we shall hold conferences in posh environment and make announcements but the time has come for citizens to wake up and hold accountable every one who makes commitment to combat air pollution on war footage. Let there be an Air Pollution Policy with specific programs and investment with time line and key milestones. Judiciary must come forward to ensure constitutional obligations are delivered and take citizens cases on priority through recently announced low cost e-courts.”
“Let’s see which of the governments: federal, provincial and local announce status of air pollution in their territory and provide meters to measure and air purifies to purify air while citizens use simple face masks for their safety from pollution. Although trees are great at filtering many harmful gases, but are inadequate at filtering PM 2.5 the most dangerous element of smog,” he added,”creating massive awareness in localities and areas most affected can play a leading rule.”
The former senator Memon, questioned, “will the government, which has focus on economic revival, seriously think of priority intervention in coming budget cycle by allocating funds for building institutional and technical capacity?” He thought, “they have no option but to do so since they are under constitutional oath to provide fundamental human rights to its citizens.”
Islamabad: Nisar A. Memon was invited by Ayesha Khan Country Director, Hashoo Foundation (HF) to speak on, ‘Water Challenges of Pakistan’. He was interviewed by Arif Rehman, HF Advisor and interacted with water professionals and students present there. Below are the links of the interview:
Part 1: Policy Framework and Interventions:
Part 2: Data – its role in good governance
Part 3: Role of Private Sector in National Water Policy implementation
Part 4: Q & A sessions
Cleaning the environment
Chairman Water Environment Forum Nisar A. Memon’s article published in The News International on 05-June-2019.…………….Read full article under Publications/articles.
Islamabad 21-May-2019
All Party Hurriyat Conference
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on 04-May-2019…………….Read full article under Publications/articles.
Source: ICIMOD
2nd Regional Upper Indus Basin Network (UIB-N) Workshop
Chairman Water Environment Forum Nisar A. Memon attended the UIB-N Workshop which was held from 17 to 18 January 2019…………….See full under News/WEF.
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on April 24, 2019…………….Read full article under Publications/articles.
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on March-30-2019…………….Read full article under Publications/articles.
Short Term Plans Needed to Avoid Water Scarcity
Nisar A. Memon article published in Pakistan Observer on March-22-2019…………….Read full article under Publications/articles.
Nisar A. Memon
Press Release
February 27, 2019
The Indian intrusion into the international borders of Pakistan is condemnable and no sovereign country and people will accept this on any pretext. Indian must accept Pakistan as neighbor without its continued interference in its internal affairs by state sponsored terrorisms witnessed in Balochistan where it was caught red-handed.
The fact that yesterday the Indian Air Force planes had to hastily retrieve back without causing any damage, speaks of their inability to stand the alert forces of Pakistan armed forces. Pakistan has the capacity and capability to respond to any aggression. We commend the Pakistan AirForce pilots tohave defended our sovereignty against all aggression by shooting down this morning the two Indian Air Force planes and arresting the Indian pilot.
I join the people of Pakistan in condemning this act of hostility of India and ask them to be ashamed of plunging their country and the region in confrontation rather than working to improve the economic condition of their people living in abject poverty.
OIC invitation by the host of incoming meeting UAE to Indian Foreign Minister is a diplomatic trap India has laid amongst the Muslim Ummah which Muslim leadership must recognize and retrieve the invitation forthwith to protect Muslim interests, specially the unarmed Kashmiris fighting for their liberation from the illegal occupation of heavily armed military machinery of India in occupied Kashmir.
In the past, such efforts of India have failed and I remember that in 2002 when I represented Pakistan in OIC Foreign Minister’s Conference in Khartoum, we persuaded Qatar to withdraw its resolution to admit India in OIC. Time has come to again defeat India’s entry in OIC, in any form.
Let me remind our brotherly Muslim country UAE, that they should not succumb to this Indian machination which tantamount to rewarding Indian for its killings of thousands of Kashmiri Muslims as well as its aggression against Pakistan.
Stakeholders Consultation on Integrated Basin wide Approach was organized by LEAD.
Nisar A. Memon briefly comments on various subjects of the book ‘Rising Hindutva & its Impact on the Region’ by S. M. Hali…………….Read more under Publications/Books.
November 15-16, 2018 Kathmandu:
Pakistan members at HKH Transboundary Cooperation International Consultative Workshop organised at ICIMOD Headquarters.
November 14-15, 2018, Kathmandu: Pakistan delegates at 1st HKH Science-Policy Forum hosted by ICIMOD where HIMAP was discussed.
Ebbs and Flows – Insight into the Senate of Pakistan Review
March 4, 2018; Karachi: Nisar A. Memon launches his book “Insight into the Senate of Pakistan” The launch venue was N.J.V. School where the Senator went for his schooling.
The proceeds of the Book launches in Islamabad and Karachi were contributed to N.J.V. School. The meeting was addressed by former Pakistan Federal Minister and Senator Javed Jabbar, former WB Economist Tariq Husain , former Chairman WAPDA Syed Raghib Abbas Shah, Minister of State & Chairperson Benazir Income Support Programme MNA Marvi Memon, former Sindh Chief Minister and Speaker of Sindh Assembly Senator Muzaffar Hussain Shah, representative of Youth Ms Haneen Moosa with a poem, and the author Nisar A. Memon.
Haneen Moosa Poem can be viewed at …………………… https://youtu.be/exdMwGXZI2UBes
Book providing insight into Senate launched
Published in Dawn, March 5th, 2018 …………………….
“This book is all about national security because national security is not just about conventional security we talk about, ie defence and defence protection. In addition to this, the water sector, the environment, climate, economics and social contributors also form part of the national security of Pakistan,” said Mr Memon.
This book also charts the hopes and expectations Mr Memon has of the leadership of the country. “I would like to discuss and engage with the leadership of the country, debate with them as well as work with them to achieve the dignity of our people and strengthen the institutions of Pakistan,” he said.
‘Clash of institutions breeds chaos and there is no value in it.’
“A long, overdue contribution to the relatively limited literature by parliamentarians on parliament in Pakistan,” said former senator Javed Jabbar about the book. He hailed the publication as a reflection of Mr Memon’s exceptional degree of sincerity, intelligence, and an analytical and constructive approach to the Senate and its issues.
“It is a genuine attempt to strengthen and embolden the institution of democracy, an institution that is very important for the federation of Pakistan,” he said.
“The Senate is the political custodian and an elected institution and this book contributes a useful wealth of experience and suggestions. It is a combination of specially written text for this book as well as verbatim quotes from speeches that senator Nisar Memon delivered. It reinforces the critical role of parliamentary committees a number of which he has served.”
Mr Memon’s daughter Marvi Memon, who has served as the chairperson of the Benazir Income Support Programme and a member of the National Assembly of Pakistan since 2013, was also present at the book launch. She spoke about how the book was relevant to the recent Senate elections.
“We, the future politicians of Pakistan, should be able to make positive contributions to parliamentary democracy and make a difference. The new generation can learn a lot from his book. My father’s book demonstrates that his thought process for the state, the country, the flag, is much higher than any political considerations,” she explained.
“Wealth in diversity and tolerance is a lesson my father has taught me which is greatly needed in this country. Clash of institutions breeds chaos and there is no value in it. Parliament is all about consensus building and that is something Insight into the Senate of Pakistan talks about.”
Senator Syed Muzaffar Hussain Shah, who was re-elected in the Senate election held on March 3, also spoke at the launch and recalled his decades long association with Mr Memon; he lauded his untiring efforts to carve a place for himself in the political arena of Pakistan.
Senator Shah said that in any position of power, when part of the executive branch of the government, senator Memon made significant contributions be it in the field of water, environment, literacy, defence and security or climate change. “His book provides insight into how the Senate works,” he explained.
Former chairman of Wapda Raghib Shah and Tariq Husain, who has worked at the World Bank for 30 years in public policy formulation and implementation, also spoke at the event.
Published in Dawn, March 5th, 2018 Haneen Rafi

February 17, 2018; Islamabad: Nisar A. Memon launches his book “Insight into the Senate of Pakistan” The meeting was addressed by former Pakistan President & Chairman Senate Wasim Sajjad, Shoaib Sultan Khan, Chairman Rural Support Program, MNA Marvi Memon, Minister of State & Chairperson Benazir Income Support Programme, Iftikhar Ullah Babar former Secretary Senate, Hanan Abbasi President National Youth Assembly and author Nisar A.Memon.
The book review comments have been made by: Sartaj Aziz Deputy Chairman Planning Commission; Farooq Naek former Chairman Senate; Sardar Masood Khan President of AJK; Roshan Barucha former: Senator & Balochistan Minister and Waqar Masood former Finance Secretary.
The PTV World Report can be seen at https://youtu.be/dxaf0gu7S4Q …………………………………………………………. Details pls see under News/WEF
”””’ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
US must exercise caution in relations with its longtime ally
Article by Nisar A Memon published in Pakistan Observor January, 2018 ……………………………………………………………….. See full article under News / Nisar
Pakistan has won with the supremacy of Parliament accepted
August 1, 2017; Islamabad: Nisar A Memon article ‘Pakistan’s Water Security’ published in Pakistan Observer today.
August 1, 2017; Islamabad: Water Environment Forum releases its 1st WEF Brief Paper on Water Security …………………. See under News/WEF
August 1, 2017: Islamabad Water Environment Forum launches new Website, Blog, Twitter, Facebook …………….See under News/WEF
July 25, 2017: Islamabad Nisar A Memon article published in daily Pakistan Observer on Water Security ……………………. See under News / Nisar
July 2017; Karachi: Nisar A Memon speaks to SOUTHASIA monthly magazine on Kalabagh Dam……………. See under News / Nisar
March 2017; Islamabad: Proceedings Report of WEF National Conference on Water and Environment: Sustainable Development in Changing Climate .……………………….See under Reports
December 2016; Karachi: Nisar A Memon writes on Future of Food Security in SOUTHASIA monthly magazine…….. See under News / Nisar
December 8, 2016; Islamabad: Nisar A Memon at SDPI ‘s 19th Sustainable Development Conference on theme of ‘Envisaging
the Future Together’. Addressed on ‘Regional Cooperation in the light of Paris Climate Agreement’ .……. See under News / Nisar
November 2016; Karachi: Nisar A Memon’s interview on Kashmir published in SOUTHASIA monthly magazine……… See under News / Nisar
November 28, 2016; Peshawar: Nisar A Memon at National Conference on Thinking Climate Change Adaptation in Water and Farming with Conference theme of THINK-ADAPT at Climate Change Center, University of Agriculture, Peshawar. Addressed on ‘Climate change impact on Water Governance & Security’
November 26, 2016; Islamabad: Nisar A Memon at International Association of Lions Clubs Islamabad on the occasion of Charter Presentation Ceremony to Leo Club.
November 18, 2016; Faisalabad: Nisar A Memon at International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture in Pakistan jointly organized by U.S. – Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Agriculture and Food Security University of Agriculture, Faisalabad Pakistan and University of California, Davis, USA. Addressed on “Need of LTRES* under Climate Change Scenarios.”
*Long Term Research Experiments
WEF Conference Day 3- 19th October, 2016: Federal Climate Change Minister addressing the Conference
WEF Conference Day 2 – 18th October, 2016: Conference Speakers with Federal Minister for Food Security & Minister of State Chairman BISP
WEF Conference Day 1 – 17th October, 2016: Participants with Federal Minister of Information, Broadcasting & Heritage
WEF Conference on Climate Change was held as planned from 17th to 19th October 2016 in Islamabad.

July 14,2016 Islamabad: National Day of France hosted by Ambassador of France H.E. Martine Dorance. On her right is H.E. Zahid Hamid Federal Minister of Law and Climate Change and on extreme right is Chairperson BISP Minister of State Marvi Memon.
June 1, 2016 Inauguration of South Asia Groundwater Forum, Jaipur by lighting a candle by each country._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
June 2016, Jaipur; South Asia Groundwater Forum Pakistan delegation with Rafik of World Bank from left to right 1st row: Shahid, Laila, Zakir, Rafik, Nisar, Ali, Hina and in 2nd row: Riaz, Arif, Hammad, Nawaz.
Delhi 12-13 May, 2016: Nisar A Memon addressing Plenary Session of Indo-Pak Track II dialogue on building climate resilience, energy water resilience and disaster risk reduction.
Nisar A Memon chairing session on enhancing water resilience and climate change adaptation
The Delhi Declaration of Track II Dialogue.
May 2016, Karachi; Pakistan Society for Training and Development (PSTD) celebrated its 50 years with a theme of ‘Rethink, Reimagine‘
Nisar A. Memon, former President PSTD in a group photo with people recognized for their contribution by the current President Aamir Niazi
Former Federal Minister of Information, Nisar A. Memon, invited by the Government of Kingdom of Morocco to Africa, South-South Cooperation at Crans Montana Forum, Dakhla from 17th-22nd March, 2016.
Nisar attends Mountain Future Conference in Kunming, China from 1st to 4th March 2016.
Feb 2016: Nisar visits Bhutan with ICIMOD management and later attends Indus Basin Forum in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Nisar A Memon with Speaker of Assembly of Kingdom of Bhutan and in next picture with former Prime Minister & Agriculture Minister.
August, 2015: Indus Forum Scientific Meeting in Qingdao, China
March 2015 Group photo at South Asia Water Initiative (SAWI)- Indus Basin Forum Conference at Lahore.
Islamabad 2016: Reception for Grand Mufti of Al-Aqsa Mosque by Ambassador of Palestine H.E. Mr. Walid Abu Ali.